Chapter IX Pushing, Pushing (NATIONS)

I’m fairly confident I can use a firearm to defend my home—or other people.  I’ve gone over the possible scenarios that would cause me to point death in the direction of another human being many times.  There are a few I am sure I would willingly take out of this life if I had to.  […]


HAMAS: Instead of ever doing the right things, like living in peace alongside of Israel, establishing an open, thriving economy for their people, and enjoying the fruits of peace and love, the stupid people of HAMAS have done the wrong things, the evil things.  The barbaric hate-filled Satan inspired murderous rampage on 10-7-23 where men, […]

Thank you, @Caturd2

The Democrat Party has destroyed the DOJ. The Democrat Party has destroyed the FBI. The Democrat Party has destroyed every blue city. The Democrat Party has destroyed the CIA. The Democrat Party has destroyed the rule of law. The Democrat Party has destroyed the Constitution. The Democrat Party has destroyed the border. The Democrat Party […]

Which Party is Authoritarian?

Examples:                                                    Autocracy Examples: School choice…                                                 No choice Conscience in business…                               Conscience not allowed Free to defend yourself…                               Self-defense not allowed Baby in utero free to live…                             Abortion up to birth Free to compete for a seat at University…     Too many Asians Freedom of speech…                                      Mandated language Free to operate a business                             Reparations by theft without […]

To Be a Good Democrat…

* You have to love to lie. * You must attack freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. * You love mandates of any sort on everyone. * You must envy the wealthy with a passion! * You must deny science when it concerns gender—or any subject once the party line is struck. […]